Photo courtesy of Judy Fulton

Native plants are critical to the health of our environment. Plus, they can be easier to grow and require less maintenance. They are crucial for the survival of many of our native pollinators and other beneficial insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles, and can be more resilient than non-native plants in the face of changing weather and climate patterns. 

This program aims to bring education, awareness, and recognition to consumers and producers about the importance of native plants. We can make progress toward this goal by (1) creating a comprehensive list of plants native to Maryland to help nurseries and consumers choose the most attractive and best plants for the environment; and (2) recognizing retailers, wholesalers, and growers who are selling native plants so that consumers know where to buy native plants. 

Maryland’s Best Native Plant Program encourages all nurseries to sign up (for free!) and participate in a voluntary marketing program across the state. Our partner nurseries in the Mid-Atlantic, but outside the state, can also participate. Depending on the percentage of your native plant species in the total inventory, different levels of certification are available. To participate, you need to compare your inventory list to the “Commercial Maryland Native Plant List” to determine your percentages. For counting, please include straight species and not cultivars or hybrids (as per the law, cultivars and hybrids of natives cannot count towards your percentages with certain limited exceptions – please see Commercial Maryland Native Plant List for reference). 

To participate, you need to compare your inventory list to the “Commercial Maryland Native Plant List” to determine your percentages.

Photo courtesy of Judy Fulton

-Your total inventory is EVERYTHING you sell plant wise.

-For counting natives, please include straight species and NOT CULTIVARS or HYBRIDS (as per the law, cultivars and hybrids of natives cannot count towards your percentages with certain limited exceptions – please see Commercial Maryland Native Plant List for reference).

-To determine your percentage, divide your total number by your native plant list. Example: 400 total plants, 100 natives = 400/100 = 40%

– Nurseries that are required to be licensed by MDA must have a license in good standing to be accepted into the program. If you are unsure you need to be licensed or if you are unsure your license is up to date, please call PPMW at 410-841-5920 or email them at

The certification categories by percentages are:

Gold Certification – 75% or more straight-species native plants

Silver Certification – 50-74% straight-species native plants

Bronze Certification – 20-49% straight-species native plants

Although nurseries must have at least 20% to participate in the program, they can quickly and readily transition to selling more natives. 

Photo courtesy of Judy Fulton

Suggested best practices for all that apply include:

-Utilizing Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Pollinator Friendly Plant Production 2: Controlling Insect Pests 

-Identifying the sources of seeds, plants or plant propagules for consumers

-Actively marketing native plants with signage or social media


Applications will be reviewed and approved by the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Please allow five business days to be approved. Once you are approved, the Program’s marketing materials will become available for you to use in your nursery, online, or however else you would like to promote your sale of Maryland natives. 

Certification renewal will be required every two years after MDA notification via email. 

For additional information on Native Plants please visit one of our partner sites below:

Photo courtesy of Judy Fulton

Have suggestions or comments on the program? Please contact:

Want to have a plant species added to the Commercial Maryland Native Plant List?
Please fill out this
Add a Species Request Form



To see the complete list with additional attributes: Commercial Maryland Native Plants List

This program is a joint effort between: